Healthy work and performance on the job - goals that we promote with every step. We want your employees to always be one step ahead.
Make your team's daily work easier and benefit from new approaches to the personal consulting of your customers.
We offer you and your company seminars that are both tailor-made and free-of-charge. Select the main topics from a varied programme of seminars and benefit from the added value of our experienced speakers. Upon successful completion all participants receive a certification document and an LUAN ® innovation package with all the important sales tools.
Register your team now - we look forward to receiving your registration.
Ideal for new professionals and career changers
A seminar tailor-made for new professionals and career changers. The participants will experience the topics of standardisation as well as material and production technology in an intensive and practical way. Training in consultation is also given and the participants are optimally prepared for customer service. Additionally, the participants are given a deep insight into shoe production.
For experienced sales consultants
Already experienced sales consultants are provided with new approaches to personal consulting as well as detailed information about LUAN ® know-how and new developments in this seminar. The participants also receive intensive training on the topics of health protection and prevention, and gain a deep insight into shoe production.
By professionals for professionals
Two intensive days filled with innovative training methods and great added value for current sales professionals. Enhance your know-how of perfect customer consulting and dive deep into the world of LUAN ® and discover the industry-specific solutions. We will introduce you to new marketing concepts and work together to develop new methods for the acquisition of new customers. Focus will also be placed on the subject of health protection and prevention.